In conclusion ...
In conclusion My initial plan for this blog was to look at Augustus and his use of myth in relation too: Community, Children, Deities, Reception, Gender, Cult and History. However, although I covered most if not all of these topics I did not end up writing a dedicated post on all of them. When Dr Deacy said our assessment for this module was going to be a blog I honestly couldn't think of anything I wanted to do less, I think my exact words were "give me a good old fashioned essay or even an exam any day over that." However, this whole experience pleasantly surprised me. I found my self liberated about what I could wright about, with no word limit (always my biggest problem) and no set topic or question I could write on anything that interested me. Whilst writing my first post on the Prima Porta statue and forgetting to mention the importance of the fact it would have originally been highly coloured I got pulled into the fascinating world of colour in the ancient wo...