Augustus' Use of the Foundation Myths
Augustus’ use of the mythical founders of Rome in the establishment of his principate. Whilst researching and filming the Romulus and Remus video I made for my last posting I began to find a lot of research relating to Augustus' use of the foundation myths in his principate. Thanks to prior knowledge and the research I did on the Prima Porta statue for the first post I wrote, I knew that Augustus often linked himself to Aeneas. However, I didn't realise to what extent he also used the myth of Romulus and Remus. Throughout the lectures so far we have looked extensively at what myths mean/do with a particular focus on Morales' definition that myth is something done rather than 'something'. This idea coupled with my curiosity about how Augustus used the founding myths of Rome led me to writing this post. The idea of Augustus linking himself to a founder of Rome is by no means a new one (not even for this blog), however I wanted to take a look at the ancient...