Myth and Children - Romulus and Remus (including video)
Myth and children - Romulus and Remus
Now with that all being said when it came to making my version of the myth I struggled with what to include. One of the things I really wanted to demonstrate was that there are many different versions all with differing events and approaches. So I made sure to mention Livy as his version of the myth is quite different from others and in particular it is different from the version that is usually told. The other thing that I was conscious of was time, I didn’t want the video too long as children tend to tune out if something goes on to long. This meant that I had to condense what I wanted to say into key points and events, unfortunately this meant missing out somethings I would have liked to say for example what happened to Rhea Silva is not mentioned in the video as I felt it was not directly relevant to the founding myth. The events following the death of Remus (the rape of the Sabine women) was also not included partly due to time and the age of the audience but also due to the fact I felt that the story I was telling didn’t benefit from going beyond the death of Remus.
I had a lot of fun making this video but it was also one of the most frustrating things I have ever done and probably not something I will be in a rush to do again. However I am glad I did it and know that I can if I need to in the future.
1 Vocabulary of key terms adapted from Lorna Hardwick’s pioneering book (2003) Reception Studies: New Surveys in Classics, Greece & Rome, New Surveys in the Classics 33. Oxford: Oxford University Press see esp. pp. 1-11
1 Vocabulary of key terms adapted from Lorna Hardwick’s pioneering book (2003) Reception Studies: New Surveys in Classics, Greece & Rome, New Surveys in the Classics 33. Oxford: Oxford University Press see esp. pp. 1-11